Tuesday, December 5, 2017

marinated chicken

Captain's log, stardate 12.5.17... haha

I actually just started watching Star Trek Next Generation all over again from the beginning (on Netflix). My dad loved that fucking show so after school we watched it and I'm pretty sure I've seen probably 80% of that entire series. Not by choice.

Anyways, I realized I blogged about blogging more awhile back but haven't been doing so. But if you've been following me then hopefully you can see that I'm staying busy. Still...

Music update: I just got a text from Ed Washington, with an attached file, a song he's working on for my upcoming compilation. I'm so fucking excited to share it, when the time is right. I'm not going to get all loud and flashy with the promotion of this project and it's roll out. I'm going to basically "Beyonce it" this go round and one morning you're gonna wake up and it's going to be there. And hopefully you end up loving it, and seeing where I'm going with this and what the main objective is. It's already a work of art and it's only 80% completed. Waiting on records from a couple more individuals, but what I have already is game changing. Wait til you hear Darius & Johnny Kohler on steroids, haha. Super Darius, ha. Wait til I unveil who I think may be the most lyrical emcee in Alaska rap right now and release his record to back up that statement. Wait til I play you 2018 Sky Division... Just wait. I have so much in store.

I'm way too stoned to be blogging, I'm going to wake up and not even remember typing this shit, and then I'ma be mad at myself for giving up classified information about my "top sheecret project". I'm just very excited to give you a masterpiece though. I'll leak another record soon. Let Dreamcast marinate some more. Speaking of marinate, I'ma go reheat up some chicken from dinner. Stay outta jail. Later.

Oh yeah. More CRUDE pieces on the way. I've been balls deep in other projects but new write ups are on the way. Please try not to kill yourselves.

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