Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cousin of Death Never Sounded so good...


i'm burnt out. like 'if i don't get a good night's rest very soon i'm a go effin crazy' burnt out. the night before my release (night before last) I stayed up (i had been napping all day in my jail cot and woke up at 9pm) all night until the following night (last night) where i only slept for 5 hrs from which i then drove me & my mama (Yup, Mama Storlie decided to come on this journey. Bonding experience! Sidebar: when my korean mother who speaks semi-bad broken english tells me she can't understand what Gucci Mane is sayin in his raps, somethings wrong) all the way to the A to see & play with mi mija. Oh yeah, and for the last 7 days prior to last, i had been sleeping in a fully lit jailhouse gymnasium (No windows, no darkness, bright ass gymnasium, 24hrs a day...7days. I'm not claiming FCC to be Riker's by any means but an entire week trying to sleep in a fully lit, and fully capacitated room = Slow Torture.) It's been a long (but wonderful, truly) ass day & My daughter's korean grandmother is now asleep, as well as my daughter's mother, and now i should be editing the new podcast episode i was claiming to drop yesterday BUT, i'm not going to. Instead, i'ma eat these 3 tacos my mama didn't kill off & pass the fuck out. Because.... (Click Here)

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